6 Oral Health Awareness Event Organised by IHS Dentistry Students IHS Staff and Student Attend 2nd CUMEC 2018 The first cohort of dentistry students from IHS organised the first oral health event by Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) on 18th March 2018 at the Taman Haji Sir Muda Omar Ali Saifuddien. The event was held to commemorate World Oral Health Day, which is celebrated every 20th March. The theme of the event was ‘Say Ahh! Think Mouth, Think Health’. The cohort leader, Lim Pei Chee, said that the main purpose of the event was to promote oral health hygiene to the public, including the technique of brushing teeth and to share the different ways of achieving oral hygiene. Additionally, she said that they want to emphasise the link between oral health and general health as a lot of people are unaware of the link between the two. The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is a public university that has been ranked as no. 46 in the QS World ranking 2018. CUHK organised a 2nd Medical Education Conference with the key themes of Bioethics, Professionalism and Work-based Assessment. This two-day conference aimed to share and learn from experts in medical and healthcare professional education related to the three key themes mentioned above. Around 265 participants from 22 countries participated in the conference, with a total of 9 international speakers from National University of Singapore, Columbia University, University of Washington, Monash University, National Taiwan University, Peking University, Newcastle University Australia, Deakins University and University of British Columbia, Canada. At CUMEC, one of IHS staff, Dr Nurolaini Kifli participated in one of the parallel free paper sessions by sharing the Institute’s students community project in enhancing breastfeeding activities from the 2nd ASEAN Medical Students’ Project in 2017. The title of the project was ‘Involving Healthcare Students in a Community Project to Promote Breastfeeding’. Another IHS staff, Dr Lim Ya Chee, was also one of the participants this year and she presented her pilot study on the ‘Relationship Between First Year Medical Students Results and Their Entrance MMI Scores: A Pilot Study” while Dr Jagjit Singh Dhaliwal presented his study titled ‘A Study to Evaluate the Awareness of Hepatitis B Disease among Undergraduate Dental Students’. A 3rd year Medical Student, Hailey Ong Hui Ling, also participated in the CUMEC to present her community project entitled ‘Gift of Life Donations (GOLD) for Childhood Cancer’. Overall, those involved have expressed that it was a worthwhile experience and that much knowledge was gained in assessment and teaching, as well as widening their network in Medical/ Health educations. For more information please go to: actionURI(http://www.ome.cuhk.edu.hk/cumec2018/):
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