B E Y O N D | J U L Y T O S E P T . 2 0 1 8 | I S S U E 1 4 P A P R S B I H S L E C T U R E R P R E S E N T S Z I K A V I R U S R E S E A R C H A T A C T M P C O N F E R E N C E , V I E T N A M Dr. Li Ling Chaw, a lecturer from the Master of Public Health Programme at PAPRSB IHS presented her research entitled "Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice of Zika virus among general adults in Brunei Darussalam" at a conference-"National Scientific Conference on Infectious Diseases, HIV/AIDS and the 8th ASEAN Conference of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology (ACTMP)". The conference was held at Nha Trang, Vietnam from the 26th to the 29th of July 2018, and attracted over 1500 attendees from 25 countries. The conference theme “A better health for ASEAN Community” aims to bring together Vietnamese, ASEAN and international infectious diseases and parasitology community to promote knowledge exchange and international collaborations. The programme covered clinical and scientific topics encompassing zoonotic to vector-borne diseases, emerging and re-emerging diseases, parasitic diseases, veterinary health, travel medicine and innovation in diagnosis and treatment of infectious and parasitic diseases. This conference has been a great platform for Dr. Li Ling to meet regional experts and hold productive discussions with researchers from Vietnam, Malaysia, and Indonesia, pertaining to training and research collaborations. 2
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