T H E 7 T H A S E A N M E D I C A L D E A N S ' S U M M I T I N H A N O I , V I E T N A MThe ASEAN Medical School Network (AMSN) was established in 2012 by Clinical Professor Udom Kachintorn, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University. AMSN aims to promote friendship and collaboration among the leading medical schools within ASEAN; to achieve excellence in medical education and healthcare; to share human resources and assist one another in capacity building in medical education and research; and to work as one community as part of the ASEAN Economic Community. A key initiative of AMSN is the annual ASEAN Medical Deans’ Summit, with the first summit held in September 2012 at Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University in Bangkok, Thailand. UBD has participated in ASEAN Dean’s Summit since its inauguration. This year, the 7th ASEAN Medical Deans’ Summit was hosted by Hanoi Medical University, Hanoi, Vietnam from the 23rd to the 24th of August, 2018, where the Dean of PAPRSB IHS (Dr. Hjh Rafidah Hj Gharif) and the Programme Leader of BHSc Pharmacy programme (Dk Dr. Nurolaini Pg Hj Muhd Kifli) represented UBD. The summit brought together representatives from 13 ASEAN medical schools across ASEAN member states: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Key topics discussed include quality assurance of medical education among ASEAN, professional training post-graduation, promoting research culture, international collaborations as well as student exchange programmes. The presentation from UBD covered the Master of Medicine programme. The Master of Medicine (M.Med) graduate programme at PAPRSB IHS introduces accredited, structured and certified training programmes for medical graduates, bringing in specialties such as anaesthesiology, critical care medicine, emergency medicine, general internal medicine, pediatrics, primary health care, psychiatry, public health and surgery. Its vision is to develop high quality and comprehensive training to graduates to become consultants in an effective, efficient, responsive, affordable, equitable and accessible manner. The programme is carried out on a part-time basis and is delivered through a series of modules over the span of 3 years in block release mode (4 days each session, 5 sessions a year). As host for the next ASEAN Deans’ medical summit (tentatively August 2019), this will be an excellent opportunity for PAPRSB IHS, UBD to strengthen existing and promote new collaborations. Ultimately, the way forward is programme accreditation for all ASEAN medical schools. B E Y O N D | J U L Y T O S E P T . 2 0 1 8 | I S S U E 1 4Dean of PAPRSB IHS, UBD, Dr. Hjh Rafidah binti Hj Gharif (sixth left) and representatives from ASEAN medical schools at the 7th ASEAN Medical Deans' Summit in Hanoi, Vietnam from the 23rd to the 24th of August, 2018 4
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