P A P R S B I H S R E C E I V E S N U R S I N G E X C H A N G E S T U D E N T S F R O M M A H I D O L U N I V E R S I T Y , T H A I L A N DThe PAPRSB IHS welcomed eight final year Bachelor of Nursing students from Mahidol University, Thailand from the 11th of August to the 9th of September 2018. This annual exchange programme between Mahidol University and UBD, inaugurated in 2015, aims to provide opportunities for inbound students to develop clinical skills and experience within the institute and hospital-based settings. The 4-week programme was coordinated by PAPRSB IHS nursing lecturers, Mursidi bin Hj Ali, Dayang Asnah Hj Yusof, Dr. Yusrita Zolkefli and Dr. Hanif Abdul Rahman. Students carried out clinical placements at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Ward, Labour Room and the Gynaecology Clinic, the Women and Children Centre at RIPAS Hospital. They also underwent community placement at the Pengiran Anak Puteri Hajah Muta-Wakillah Hayatul Bolkiah Health Centre at Kampung Rimba. Throughout these placements, the students learnt various nursing and midwifery skills pertaining to care for pregnant mothers, newborn, children and postnatal mothers. They also had the opportunity to practice assisting normal delivery during labour and manage a post-partum hemorrhage episode using a high fidelity simulator, organized by the simulation team at PAPRSB IHS. The simulation experience has given students first-hand experience in identifying, planning and providing appropriate interventions and/or management during normal delivery and emergency crisis. The students also visited Pantai Jerudong Specialist Centre, Jerudong Park Medical Centre, and Kuala Belalong Study Field Centre, immersing in the serene tropical rainforest of Temburong National Park. Over the weekends, they explored the culture, tradition and historical places in Brunei with their student buddies. The students presented their experiences with audience including nursing officers from the Ministry of Health, PAPRSB IHS lecturers and students towards the end of the programme, The ongoing collaboration between the Mahidol University and UBD signifies strong mutual partnership whereby Mahidol University is also a top destination for Discovery Year nursing students from PAPRSB IHS. PAPRSB IHS, UBD looks forward to receiving inbound overseas students as part of its ongoing effort to promote student exchange and internationalization. B E Y O N D | J U L Y T O S E P T . 2 0 1 8 | I S S U E 1 4Nursing exchange students from Mahidol University, Thailand at PAPRSB IHS, UBD from the 11th of August to the 9th of September 2018(L-R) Ms. Aumara Techalue, Ms. Sirikarn Khanpet, Ms. Pimpisut Seangroon, Ms. Promtada Anuyahong, Ms. Varumporn Piyaramote, Ms. Mattanapim Wattanapong, Ms. Araya Singhara and Ms. Nutchanad Sarawan 6
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