Two third-year dental students from PAPRSB IHS, namely Chong Hui Qing and Lim Pei Chee,attended the 30th Annual Scientific Meeting of the South East Asia Association for DentalEducation (SEAADE). This two-day scientific meeting took place on the 6th and 7th ofAugust 2019, organised by International Medical University (IMU) Malaysia. This year's theme- Reimagining dental education - discussed ways to improve the dental curriculum to preparefuture dental graduates to deal with the changes associated in this technology-driven era. Chong Hui Qing was awarded 2nd place in the “Student Challenge Research PosterPresentation” on her research study entitled "Awareness of Dental Trauma ManagementAmong School Teachers". Lim Pei Chee was shortlisted among the top 6 for the samecategory, with her research study entitled "Oral Health Knowledge, Attitudes and Practicesof University Students in Brunei Darussalam". In addition, both of them were awarded 3rd place (as a team) in the “Student Challenge OralHealth Promotion Video Presentation”. They produced and presented a two-minute video on“UBD World Oral Health Day” event, highlighting interactive games and activities that wereconducted to raise awareness on oral health. The video aims to encourage the audience topromote oral health within their community based on ideas showcased in the video. This conference was also a great networking platform for both dental students, where theymet dental students from South East Asian countries including Malaysia, Philippines, andHong Kong. It was also a good opportunity to promote the relatively new dentistry courseat  PAPRSB IHS (inaugurated in 2017), where the first batch of students will transition tooverseas partner dental schools next August/September (2020).D E N T A L S T U D E N T S P R E S E N T R E S E A R C HA T R E G I O N A L M E E T I N G B E Y O N D | J U L . T O S E P T . 2 0 1 9 | I S S U E 1 8 9Clockwise, from left: Ms. Chong Hui Qing (L) and Ms. Lim Pei Chee at the 30th Annual ScientificMeeting of the South East Asia Association for Dental Education (SEAADE), from the 6th to the 7thof August 2019; Ms. Chong with her poster; Ms. Lim alongside her poster
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