B E Y O N D | J U L . T O S E P T . 2 0 2 0 | I S S U E 2 1 7F I V E I H S R E S E A R C H E R S W E N T A B R O A D T OB U I L D R E S E A R C H C O L L A B O R A T I O N U S I N GR M S S U P P O R TThe Researcher's Mobility Scheme (RMS) is a recently-launched (September 2019) initiative by UniversitiBrunei Darussalam that offers support for early career research academics to undertake visits to overseasorganisations on a short or mid-term basis to promote international research collaboration. Earlier this year, Dr. Nuramalina Mumin (Lecturer, Biomedical Science Programme) went on a two-weektrip to meet Dr. Anderson Ryan, an Associate Professor and MRC Senior Group Leader at the Departmentof Oncology, University of Oxford. Dr. Ryan’s research group focuses on identifying novel therapies forcancer patients and developing preclinical models to study toxicity of cancer therapies. Dr. Nuramalinapreviously worked under his supervision for her DPhil project on resistance mechanisms to cancertherapeutics in breast cancer. Dr. Nuramalina made the visit to exchange research ideas and establish aninternational collaboration between IHS and University of Oxford.Dr. Nuramalina delivered a presentation to introduce UBD where she covered its achievements, currentresearch themes, research areas in IHS and student internship opportunities under the GenNEXTprogramme. After the introductory session, she had several stimulating research discussions on evolvingcancer research areas that can be explored together. Their discussions concluded with a joint researchproposal on the identification of potential biomarkers for breast cancer patients. She also had anopportunity to share interesting research experience and methods with his several group members. ADPhil student (Ms. Kay Shigemori) shared her research on assessing cardiac toxicity after irradiation byusing mice model. Another DPhil student (Ms. Maryam Alkadhimi) talked about her approach indeveloping a preclinical model for lung cancer and gave a demonstration on how to generate high-quality immunohistochemistry images using digital pathology slide scanners. Dr. Nuramalina is consideringthe application of both preclinical models in her future research projects. Overall, the visit was a productive and enriching opportunity for Dr. Nuramalina to further develop futureresearch projects in the field of cancer research. She is grateful to UBD for supporting her visit under theRMS. She would also like to express her gratitude to Dr. Ryan and all group members for welcoming herand expressing interest in future collaboration. A visit to Oxford University, United Kingdom by Dr. Nuramalina MuminDr. Nuramalina's visit to the Department of Oncology, University Of Oxford Left: Dr. Nuramalina with Dr. Anderson Ryan. Right: Dr Nuramalina pictured with Dr. Ryan's DPhil students, Ms. Letitia Harris andMs. Maryam Alkadhimi at the Department of Oncology, University of Oxford.
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