B E Y O N D | J U L . T O S E P T . 2 0 2 0 | I S S U E 2 1March, supported by RMS, to Prof. Casanova's lab inNew York to learn and observe potential futurecollaboration in this field. Dr. Liyana was given a warmwelcome to the lab by Prof. Casanova and his researchgroup members. Her visit was eventful and she wasoffered a productive and enjoyable itinerary. Dr. Liyanawas given the opportunity to give a short talk on herPhD research findings, which was also live-streamedacross the Atlantic for the audience in theircounterpart lab in Paris. As Dr. Liyana's work wascomplementary to their research, she received a goodamount of interest in their questions. She also had thepleasure of connecting with the senior scientists andtheir respective group members, who were allenthusiastic about their research undertakings and lifein general. They also had a tour around the universityhospital ground, discussing the Nobel laureates of theRockefeller University, the historical story behind theestablishment of Prof. Casanova’s laboratories and hisresearch areas, and life in New York. Dr. Liyana'sformal visit at the lab ended with a heartwarming andfriendly dinner at Prof. Casanova’s favorite FrenchRestaurant – Bistro Vendôme on East 58th Street. Dr.Liyana is very grateful for the support given by UBD andPAPRSB IHS for this opportunity. 9A visit to Rockefeller University, United States by Dr. Liyana AhmadView from the Rockefeller University The Laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseasesof the Rockefeller University, NY offers a scenic view of theEast River that connects Manhattan to BrooklynDr. Khadizah (Assistant Professor, Nursing &Midwifery Programme) went on a trip to theUniversity of Michigan School of Nursing (UMSN),United States with the support given by theRMS. She was excellently accommodated by thefaculty members of UMSN and was engaged invarious fruitful activities. She wrote a jointmanuscript with Dr. Cynthia S. Darling-Fisher(Associate Professor at the Primary Care NursePractitioner Programs of UMSN) titled - "Englishas a Medium of Instruction in Nursing andMidwifery Education: A Qualitative Study" whichis planned for publication in Nurse EducationToday journal.In addition, Dr. Khadizah is pursuingcollaborative research with Dr. Ruth E. ZielinskiA visit to University of Michigan, United States by Dr. Khadizah Hj Abd MuminDr Khadizah's warm visit at University of MichiganDr Khadizah (far left) pictured with Prof Cynthia Darling-Fisher(third from left) and her foster family in Michiganwho is a Clinical Associate Professor and Program Lead of Midwifery at the UMSN and the Chair ofAmerican College of Nurse-Midwives Clinical Standards & Documents Committee. Their joint researchstudy, titled "Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Healthcare Professionals on Oral Health Care ofwomen throughout Pregnancy”, is currently conducted in all four districts of Brunei and is utilising aninstrument that has been established by the University of Michigan and Michigan Department ofCommunity Health. This collaboration has also extended to the Dentistry Programme of Institute of HealthSciences and the Department of Dental Services, Department of Health Services, Department of MedicalServices and Department of Nursing Services of Ministry of Health Brunei. Dr. Khadizah's goals is to establish further research and other academic collaborations between Instituteof Health Sciences and UMSN.Dr. Liyana (Lecturer, Biomedical Science Programme) became acquainted with Professor Jean-LaurentCasanova through a couple of research publications they wrote together during her PhD work in London.Prof. Casanova investigates rare genetic mutations in a range of primary human infections with differentinheritance patterns and clinical manifestations. He leads his research groups in two laboratories, St GilesLaboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases, The Rockefeller University, New York, US, andLaboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases, Imagine Institute, Paris, France. Inspired by thisfacet of human infectious diseases through this connection, Dr. Liyana embarked on a short trip last
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