The 11th International Winter Medical School at Kagawa University Between the 4th to 22nd December 2017, 8 medical students from PAPRSB Institute of Health Sciences , UBD participated in a 3-week International Winter Medical School (IWMS) at the Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University. They are Jessica Kok, Nurfakhrina Omar, Jiaying Tan, Lorita Lee, Han Yeng Kwong, Jonanthan Wong, NurAqilah Zainudin and Shaun Lim. IWMS is an annual exchange program between Kagawa University Faculty of Medicine, Japan and PAPRSB IHS, UBD, Brunei Darussalam. The partnership between the two universities started in 2006 and they have since established successful collaborations in areas of medicine, health, academic activities, students exchanges and research activities. During the IWMS programme, the students were able to experience life as medical students at Kagawa University, rotate around different specialities in Kagawa University Hospital (such as surgery, emergency and disaster medicine, microbiology, etc.) and enrich their knowledge on the utilization of rare sugars. Lastly, the programme also allowed the students to experience the nature and culture in Kagawa. The IWMS programme enabled our students to broaden their experiences regarding healthcare outside of Brunei Darussalam as well as to make international connections with colleagues abroad. 5
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