5B E Y O N D | J A N . T O M A R . 2 0 1 9 | I S S U E 1 6The Institute of Health Sciences successfully held its inaugural Annual Graduate StudentResearch Day on Saturday, the 19th of January 2019. The event provided a forum for currentMaster (by research) and PhD students to showcase their research achievements with the mainaims of (1) enhancing awareness of ongoing research at the Institute; (2) creating a platform toenable students and faculty to critically assess and provide feedback on ongoing researchprojects; and (3) promoting and fostering cross-disciplinary research. With assistance from the Programme Leader (PL) and assistant PLs of Graduate Studies, the 1-day mini-symposium was organised and run by the graduate students. The day kicked-startedwith an opening address delivered by the Deputy Dean (Undergraduate, Administration andFinance), Senior Assistant Professor Dr. Zaw Wint on behalf of the Dean, Dr. Hjh Rafidah bintiGharif. This was followed by a keynote speech entitled “Preparing for Disruption” by ProfessorDavid Koh, Distinguished Professor of Occupational Health and Medicine at UBD. Spreading across three sessions, a tightly-packed programme consisting of 15 projects, coveringresearch topics ranging from medical education, nursing and public health to antimicrobial drugdiscovery and cancer genetics, were presented by both Master (by research) and PhD students.Active participation from a large turnout of IHS staff ensued lively and useful discussion totake place after each and every oral presentations. In additional, another five e-posters werealso on display during the day. In her closing remarks, Deputy Dean (Research, Graduate Studies and Global Affairs) AssociateProfessor Anne Cunningham congratulated the students on the successful running of theinaugural event and appreciated their contribution to the Institute. The day was then wrappedoff with the recognition of the best oral and poster presentation awarded to Dyg Siti Nur IdayuBinti Hj Matusin (PhD student in Biomedical Science) and Nur Aziemah Binti Mohammad Azizi(MHSc student in Biomedical Science) respectively.I N A U G U R A L I H S G R A D U A T E S T U D E N TR E S E A R C H D A Y 2 0 1 9
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