7 B E Y O N D | J A N . T O M A R . 2 0 1 9 | I S S U E 1 6To celebrate this year's World Oral HealthAwareness Day, first and second yeardental students from PAPRSB IHSorganised events at both UBD StudentCentre (20th of March 2019) and BandarkuCeria (24th of March 2019). Theinteractive sessions were open to thepublic and focused on health promotionand prevention of common oral diseases. The relationship between oral health andgeneral health was also outlined. Severalfun activities helped to demonstrateproper brushing and flossing technique. Inaddition, an oral health crossword puzzlewas used to encourage interaction,alongside educational posters. Activitywinners were awarded with dental-themedprizes. Dentistry Programme Leader andAssistant Programme Leader (Dr. JagjitDhaliwal and Dr. Shahid Mitha,respectively) led the organising committee.W O R L D O R A LH E A L T HA W A R E N E S S D A Y2 0 1 9 Top: Group photo of first and second year dental studentsduring the event at Bandarku CeriaBottom: Dental students explaining the negative effects ofsoft drinks on teeth
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