M A H I D O L U N I V E R S I T Y N U R S I N G S T U D E N T SE X C H A N G E P R O G R A M M EPAPRSB IHS welcomed three fourth year Bachelor in Nursing students from the MahidolUniversity as part of their annual student exchange programme from the 19th to the 31st ofAugust 2019. The students spent 10 days of clinical placement at the PsychiatricDepartment, Ministry of Health, Kiarong, where they had the opportunity to observe howpsychiatric assessments were conducted at different levels. They also conducted home visitsat the water village (Kampong Ayer) with the psychiatric nurses. This marks the students' first encounter and exposure to the care of psychiatric patients intheir training. They appreciated the value of treating these patients with ethics andhumanity. Their accompanying lecturers presented two talks entitled: "Teenage pregnancyprevention program: The Dual Approach Program for Thai early female adolescents andparents" (Ms Kultida Hattakitpanichakul) and "Thai Community Nurse Competency"(MsRatchada Jantraporn) as part of the institute’s continuous professional development seminarseries. The accompanying lecturers who spent four days in Brunei had also had theopportunity to join their students to visit the Psychiatric Department and the PantaiJerudong Specialist Centre. B E Y O N D | J U L . T O S E P T . 2 0 1 9 | I S S U E 1 8Mahidol University nursing students (first left, second left and right) with Dr. Hjh Asmah (third left) and accompanying lecturersat the Pantai Jerudong Specialist Centre 7
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