The International Summer Medical School Programme (ISMS) is held annually as acollaborative programme between PAPRSB IHS, UBD and Kagawa University Faculty ofMedicine (KUFM). The ISMS programme marks an ongoing effort by UBD in promoting studentexchanges in its role as an international university. This signifies an ongoing concertedpartnership between the two institutions in academic and exchange activities as part of theuniversity’s mission to develop society through the cultivation of intellect and culture. Thisyear, PAPRSB IHS hosted six Japanese students, Ms Atsumi Miyazaki, Ms Chinatsu Yamaoka,Ms Ririka Tanikawa, Mr Kiyohiro Atsuji, Mr Mutasaddeq Hossain and Mr Shoichi Ishii from the25th of July to the 21st of August 2019. PAPRSB IHS lecturers, Dk Dr. Nuramalina HafizahBinti Pg Hj Mumin and Dr. Siti Nornadhirah Binti Haji Amdani led the programme this year. Throughout their one-month stay, the participants experienced life as a medical student inPAPRSB IHS through various academic and social activities. These include clinical visits toseveral hospital and health centres, lectures, problem-based learning (PBL) sessions, andclinical and communication skill sessions. The participants also visited landmarks in Bruneiincluding Kampong Ayer, Temburong district and National Museums. They also forgedfriendships with Bruneian students in UBD through the student buddy system and homestayto exchange cultures and traditions between the two countries. The programme is a valuable experience for Japanese medical students to experience life asa future medical practitioner, and to improve their English language in preparation forfurther studies abroad. The programme is also beneficial for local students at PAPRSB IHS tointeract with international students. It broadens their horizons in academic, social andcultural activities and strengthens the friendship between the medical students of BruneiDarussalam and Japan. PAPRSB IHS looks forward to continuing this collaboration with KUFMand welcomes next year's ISMS participants.T H E 1 3 T H I N T E R N A T I O N A L S U M M E RM E D I C A L S C H O O L A T P A P R S B I H S B E Y O N D | J U L . T O S E P T . 2 0 1 9 | I S S U E 1 8 6Kagawa students, student buddies and accompanying lecturers at Temburong District
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