The Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) is a multi-disciplinary annual summit (covering chemistry,physics, medicine, mathematics, computer science and engineering) which provides lectures, plenarysessions, panel discussions, and small group discussions with eminent scientists and technology leaders(recipients of Nobel Prize, Fields Medal, Millennium Technology Prize and Turing Award). It started in 2013, aplatform for engaging and exciting young researchers, and the theme for the 2020 summit is “AdvancingScience, Creating Technologies for a Better World”. Three scientists from Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD)were successful nominations for the 2020 summit in Singapore (14-17 January): Dr. Goh Poh Hui (PAPRSBInstitute of Health Sciences, Pharmacy Department), Dr. Lim Mei Ann (PAPRSB Institute of Health Sciences,Biomedical Sciences Department), and Dr. Mohammad Hilni bin Harun Sani (Faculty of Science, ChemicalSciences Department). Seven years ago, Dr. Lim (as a PhD student at University of Birmingham) attended a Nobel Lecture on“Controlling the Cell Cycle” by Sir Paul Nurse. She joined UBD in July 2016, and was motivated to apply forGYSS 2020 because this would present an opportunity to interact with Sir Tim Hunt, one of the GYSS 2020speakers who shared the Nobel alongside Nurse. It’s a small world - Goh and Sir Nurse are alumni of the PhDprogramme at the University of East Anglia. Goh joined UBD in August 2019, and was also motivated to applyfor GYSS 2020 at this stage in her scientific career. Both Goh and Lim were interested in Sir Hunt’s talk oncyclins and cell cycle, and were equally captivated by an organic chemist’s talk. One of the event's highlightis Prof. Ben Feringa's (a recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (2016)) presentation on the wonderful worldof synthesizing molecular machines which garnered undivided attention from the biologists and chemists. GYSS 2020 is a unique summit. There is a recurring theme of genuine interest across the academicdisciplines of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine. For example, Professor JohnHopcroft has a background in computer science, but has recently dabbled into promoting better standards inearly childhood development by leading a project which primarily focus on the translation of research onearly childhood brain development into accessible information for parents, caregivers and policymakers. Drs.Goh and Lim were also reminded by Prof. Hopcroft regarding the university’s role as the place for trainingthe future generation.  There was a poster session during one of the GYSS informal dinners, in which Dr. Goh’s research on “Roles ofarrestins CXCL12 induced migration in different cancer cell lines” was successfully showcased. This postersession was memorable because authentic Singaporean laksa, and an assortment of food and drinks wereserved while discussing cell signaling mechanisms of chemokine receptors. Another memorable evening tookplace during the closing ceremony, in which Lim and Goh utterly enjoyed an informal setting for dinner andnetworking along the shores of Palawan Beach.  Overall, it was an inspiring and rewarding event for both Drs. Lim and Goh as they not only managed toexpand their networking opportunities in the research community but were also given the chance to promoteachievements and opportunities at UBD. Unexpectedly and pleasantly surprisingly, the GYSS was notable notonly for the research communication, but also for the event’s great hospitality, the complimentaryaccommodation and the delectable local cuisine. Early career counterparts at the faculty are highlyencouraged to apply for GYSS.B E Y O N D | J A N . T O M A R . 2 0 2 0 | I S S U E 2 0 I H S L E C T U R E R S A T G L O B A L Y O U N GS C I E N T I S T S S U M M I T 2 0 2 0 5Thee early career academics from UBD at Global Young ScientistsSummit in Singapore (14-17 January 2020) Left to Right: Dr. Lim Mei Ann (PAPRSB Institute of Health Sciences,Biomedical Sciences Department), (Dr. Goh Poh Hui (PAPRSB Institute ofHealth Sciences, Pharmacy Department) and Dr. Mohammad Hilni bin HarunSani (Faculty of Science, Chemical Sciences Department)
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