Online learning helps to minimise disruptions on teaching and compromising students' learning outcomes [1].Many universities have moved from traditional forms of 'in-person' lecture-based teaching to other modes,utilising online, distance or electronic learning during the COVID-19 outbreak [2]. The most commonly usedapproaches in distance learning (DL) consist of blended learning (BL), live teaching (tele-teaching), flippedclassroom (flipped virtual classroom), online practice questions, video conference, teleconference andtelehealth [1, 3, 4, 5, 6]. BL is a current teaching method and considered vital to education in the context ofthe COVID-19 pandemic. BL refers to a combination of two instruction modes which are e-learning anddidactic (face-to-face) teaching [1, 3, 4]. It offers flexibility, student-centred approach and collaborativelearning atmosphere [3, 4]. Nonetheless, it may aid or impede active learning, technological use (challengeswith information technology), support (due to stress in managing work-life balance) and communication(between students and teachers) while practising social distancing measures during the COVID-19 pandemic[7]. This article aims to discuss practical approaches for educators when transitioning from traditional toonline learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, using freely available software and resources.The critical factors that educators may consider when designing and implementing BL are interaction andcommunication rules, the teacher's role, careful selection of collaboration tools, and technical preparation [8].Educators must examine the nine practical approaches before transitioning from traditional to online learningduring the COVID-19 pandemic [9]. Educators must account for the availability of internet access (usingbroadband, mobile phone) of sites, teaching and learning online platforms that are freely available (such asCANVAS) and free video conferencing software (for example skype, zoom) which individuals widely use whensetting up the virtual classroom (VC). Also, educators need to choose appropriate pedagogy, including usingflipped classroom (FC) approach to facilitate students' collaboration, communication, building and applyingthe concepts during learning. It helps increase student engagement with content, increase and improve facultycontact time with students, and enhance learning [9].In addition, educators need to plan teaching/learning activities for pre-class (lecture MS PowerPoint slides,notes, articles, videos, quizzes) and post-class (online discussion and feedback) using pages, links, and filefeatures in CANVAS. The purposeful design of teaching plans for courses covering useful information andestimating ample time to complete assigned tasks to achieve the learning outcomes. These approaches caninfluence how students engage with content during online learning [7]. The teaching methods to enhanceactive learning can promote collaboration, interactions and participation among students (e.g. small groupwork and discussion, quizzes, case-study). Then, educators can set online discussions using quizzes, case study, short answer questions (SAQs) after VC.Students can also use online discussion to enhance their experiences of blended learning [3]. The assessmentoptions include quizzes, assignments, writing reports, and voice-over slide presentations (using readilyavailable software such as Microsoft PowerPoint and ShareX). The typical online assessment methods used athigher education institutions (HEIs) include online quizzes, continuous feedback, multiple-choice questions andautomated assessment for essays. The online tools for formative assessment in higher education includefeedback, self-test quiz and discussion forums. The critical strategies recommended for managing onlineexamination involve setting up online questions using freely available software and utilising free videoconferencing tool as CCTV on mobile phones for invigilation purposes. Educators must consider readinessamong students and teachers, cheating practices and student diversity when employing online assessment atHEIs. Furthermore, educators must evaluate the methods and their impact on students' learning outcomes [1]. Insummary, educators may benefit from online learning training and the assessment methods when facing globaluncertainties such as the COVID-19 pandemic.B E Y O N D | O C T . 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