B E Y O N D | O C T . T O D E C . 2 0 2 0 | I S S U E 2 2Zulaidi bin Haji Abd Latif, Deputy Permanent Secretary (Professional), Ministry of Health who is also theChairman of PGATB. In his speech, Dr. Hj Zulaidi highlighted the importance of working with PAPRSB IHS,which is currently running the Master of Medicine Programme to practicing registered clinicians in Brunei.The programme complements the PGATB’s Basic Specialty Training (BST) Programme, which acts as astepping stone for doctors to progress further in their career and achieve Advanced Specialty Training.Currently, there are 66 local doctors undergoing the BST in various specialties – 15 in primary health care, 3in internal medicine, 3 in paediatrics, 13 in surgery, 3 in anaesthesia, 8 in public health and 10 in dentistry. During the workshop, participants were introduced to the key concepts of medical education coveringteaching, (small groups, clinical skills), setting educational needs and learning objectives, e-portfolios andreflective learning, strategies in implementing a learning culture, providing effective feedback, work-placebased assessments, supervision, appraisal, mentorship and support for learners. Participants werepresented with group work activities and presentations on planning teaching from a health professionseducation perspective. On the final afternoon of the workshop, Professor Dr. Ayub Sadiq delivered asession on Virtual Teaching and Digital Technologies explaining strategies on how to deliver clinicalteaching in the digital era with emphasis on importance of life-long earning, while Dr. Sofian Johar and Dr.Chong Vui Heng delivered sessions on implementing clinical research. The outcome of this workshop is to plan a series of workshops for clinicians to be eligible to be certified asa ‘Clinical Educator’. The ‘Clinical Educator’ certification course has been proposed to be a structuredprogramme based on the core competencies of clinical educators: teaching, research, assessment,leadership and professional development. This certification program is proposed to provide evidence ofthe clinician’s interest and abilities to be competent clinical educators which will be jointly awarded byPAPRSB IHS and PGATB, Ministry of Health.I H S C O L L A B O R A T E D W I T H M I N I S T R Y O FH E A L T H I N A C L I N I C A L F A C U L T YD E V E L O P M E N T W O R K S H O P 6Top: IHS and Ministry of Health connected at Clinical Faculty DevelopmentWorkshop Bottom: Workshop participants comprised of IHS and MOH staff members engagingin stimulating discussions Dr. Hjh Fazean Irdayati Hj Idris, Senior Assistant Professor Pengiran Anak Puteri RashidahSa’adatul Bolkiah Institute ofHealth Sciences (PAPRSB IHS)recognizes the need to supportclinician-educators with trainingand experience in teaching,supervision and other academicactivities for its undergraduate andpostgraduate programmes. Hence,PAPRSB IHS, in collaboration withPostgraduate Advisory TrainingBoard (PGATB), Ministry of Healthorganised a two-day workshop on25th and 26th September 2020,known as the first Clinical FacultyDevelopment Workshop – KeyConcepts in Medical Education,which aimed to support cliniciansin developing skills, attitudes andpractices of a competent teacher,so that they are able to facilitatethe education of students, patients,and colleagues through activeteaching. This will in turn provide alifelong commitment to theirlearning in addition to the creation,dissemination, and translation ofmedical knowledge.As many as 80 doctors, dentistsand allied health professionalsfrom public and private health carefacilities participated in theworkshop. The opening ceremonyevent was officiated by Dr. Haji
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