The Pharmacy Team from PAPRSB Institute of Health Sciences (IHS) including students and staff membersorganised a collaborative event with Jerudong Park Medical Centre (JPMC) in conjunction with the 2020World Pharmacists’ Day on 25th September at Pantai Jerudong Specialist Centre (PJSC) Pharmacy. In line with the theme of "Transforming Global Health”, the event was aimed at promoting and advocatingfor the role of pharmacists in transforming health globally through a variety of health services in theircommunities. It includes promoting healthy living, advocating for vaccinations, and ensuring that medicinesare taken correctly, and therefore optimising pharmaceutical care and medicine management, andultimately improving the quality of life. The event hoped to increase public awareness of the BHSc Pharmacy programme at IHS which hassuccessfully witnessed its first graduates undertaking pre-registration training at Brunei DarussalamPharmacy Board (BDPB). At the event, the team showcased community health activities prepared bycurrent pharmacy students, including a poster exhibition on disease prevention and a free health check-up(plus health counselling) such as blood pressure and blood glucose measurements, Body Mass Indexinformation, and advice on the proper use of inhalers and smoking cessation. 60 members of the general public participated in this one-day event and registered for the free healthcheck-up. Around 30 students volunteered to help with the running of this event. The Pharmacy Teamexpresses their gratitude toward JPMC and PJSC Pharmacy for their support, and hopes to celebrate WorldPharmacists' Day annually.B E Y O N D | O C T . T O D E C . 2 0 2 0 | I S S U E 2 2 7P H A R M A C Y P R O G R A M M E C E L E B R A T E SW O R L D P H A R M A C Y D A Y A T P J S CPharmacy Programme at PJSC Pharmacy. Left: IHS setting up stations for various health screenings. Right: Pharmacy studentsproviding a health screening check to a member of the public at World Pharmacy Day Dk Dr. Nurolaini Pg Hj Md Kifli, Senior Assistant Professor
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