B E Y O N D | O C T . T O D E C . 2 0 2 0 | I S S U E 2 2 8M E D I C A L S T U D E N T S D O N A T E D T O P A C S T OH E L P T H E E L D E R L YLeft: Third-year medical students photographed with their project supervisor Dr. Deeni, RIPAS Hospital CEO and Dr. TeoRight: Dr. Deeni accepting Certificate of Appreciation from PACS for their in-kind donation.Dr. Deeni Idris, Assistant Professor The Volunteerism Among Youth for Elderly Care (VAYEC) group project from PAPRSB Institute of HealthSciences (IHS), has presented BND $2000.00 worth of items to Pusat Amal Cerah Sejahtera (PACS), acentre introduced by the Ministry of Health to provide nursing and rehabilitation for the home-boundelderly in Brunei Darussalam. Held at PACS, a ceremony witnessed the hand-over of donated items to theActing Chief Executive Officer of RIPAS Hospital, Abdol Hazis Hji Ahad by the project group's supervisor,Dr. Deeni Rudita Idris. Some of the items donated included wheelchairs, adult diapers, digital infraredthermometers, blood pressure monitors, stationery and other necessities for the centre.VAYEC is a project organised by a group of five third-year medical students from IHS, Illyana Rashidah MdWafiuddin Wa'ie, Nadiah 'Aqilah Abidin, Nur Haszwany Mahadi, Nurlaylasahira Abd Rahim and Nur AmaninaM Jasni; under the supervision of Dr. Deeni and Dr. Hjh Asmah Hj Husaini. The project was aimed to raiseawareness of the benefits of volunteering while introducing the Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah(YSHHB) Volunteer Unit, to improve the quality of elderly care by educating volunteers and caregivers viamethods such as talks and demonstrations on the proper methods of caregiving, to increase the publicawareness on the common age-related health conditions such as Osteoporosis, Dementia and Diabetes,and the importance of a healthy lifestyle for the elderly; and also to raise funds to support the cause andneeds of the elderly at PACS. The donation was acquired through the proceeds raised during various events conducted from 7th-18thAugust 2019. The project was in collaboration with other organisations including, YSHHB Volunteer Unit,Geriatrics Department of RIPAS Hospital, and Department of Rehabilitation of Pantai Jerudong SpecialistCentre. It was also sponsored by various organisations - YSHHB, KOTUG Brunei, CUCKOO Brunei, AlifTechnologies, and minimo.bn.
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