B E Y O N D | O C T . T O D E C . 2 0 2 0 | I S S U E 2 2Diathermy machine is one of the most important equipment in an operating room which is typically used forelectrosurgery and requires a trolley to hold and mobilise it around the simulation centre in IHS. Bycreating one that is mostly made of wood, the students have made the simulation centre at IHS morerealistic. The gauze rack, on the other hand, was designed to ensure the accuracy of used gauze countduring surgery which aims to prevent the risk of gauze retention by providing a clear visual of soiled gauze.The frame and black columns of the gauze rack was made of PVC pipes and wood respectively. Theproduction of both equipment was $80 and funded by the students and their module convener. Overall, these projects have given the students an opportunity to build teamwork and to creativelyinnovate an OT instrument of their choice. These two replicas are now available in the simulation centre atIHS, and have helped the students better relate to an actual OT environment. It is hoped that theseproducts of creativity and innovation, produced by IHS students, will continue to benefit current and futureOT nursing students and lecturers.O P E R A T I N G T H E A T R E I N N O V A T I O NP R O J E C T S R E P L I C A T E S U R G I C A LI N S T R U M E N T S To further improve the Operating Theatre Simulation room at PAPRSB Institute of Health Sciences (IHS)Simulation Centre, two innovation projects were completed in September 2020. The projects producedreplicas of two surgical equipment that are commonly used in a hospital operating room - a DiathermyTrolley and a Gauze Rack. Nine operating theatre (OT) nursing students from BHSc Nursing Cohort 9participated in these projects which were led by the module convener, Dr. Mursidi Haji Ali. The aims ofthese projects were for students to learn and practice the skills that are offered by the OT nursing moduleand to enhance their preparedness prior to a clinical placement. 9Dr. Mursidi Hj Ali, Lecturer'Innovation that promotes client satisfaction'. Left: Swab Rack (left) andDiathermy Trolley Trolley (right). Top right: OT nursing students (Cohort 9) workingtogether on the projects. Bottom Right: OT nursing students pictured with Dr.Mursidi (far right).The students were inspired to design these two OT items followingtheir visit at Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha (RIPAS) hospitaloperating theatre and their discovery of their scarcity in their ownsimulation centre at IHS. The project started with a brainstormingsession between the students and Dr. Mursidi, during which theyconsidered a number of potential designs, materials and supplies,cost, and design measurements.
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