Siti Kuzaiyah

PhD Title: Exploration of healthcare-seeking behavior of adolescent pregnant women in Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam

Supervisor(s): Dr Sarena Haji Hashim and Dr Khadizah Haji Abdul Mumin

About the PhD:

Adolescent pregnancy has an impact on adolescent social life. Understanding adolescent mother is crucial, particularly in understanding healthcare-seeking behavior. This study aimed to analyze the current situation of adolescent pregnancy in Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam, to analyze the healthcare-seeking behavior among adolescents with adolescent pregnancy in Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam, to analyze the utilization of maternal health services among adolescent pregnant, and to analyze the healthcare providers' experience in giving service to adolescents with teenage pregnancy in Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam.

Conferences & Meetings

  1. International Conference of Health Technology | presenting “Satisfaction and Motivation of Adolescents Attending a Comprehensive Teenage Health Services of Nasyiatul Aisyiyah (Pelayanan Remaja Sehat Milik Nasyiatul Aisyiyah/ PASHMINA)” | held by STIKEP PPNI Bandung, 2019.
  2. International Conference: Elevating Quality of Early Childhood Educational and Care | presenting “The effort of caring baby during pregnancy and early childbirth among teenage mothers with an unwanted and an unmarried pregnancy: a qualitative study” | held by Central Board of Aisyiyah and Hamka University, Jakarta 2019
  3. International Conference of Chronic Disease | presenting “The effects of hypnosis relaxation towards fetus heart frequency and vital signs among pregnant women with preeclampsia”, | held by Universitas Pekalongan, 2019
  4. International Conference in BSE and HESS | presenting “Effectiveness of moringa oleifera extract to increase breastmilk production in postpartum mother with food restriction” | held by Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, 2019
  5. International Conference on Interprofessional Health Collaboration and Community Empowerment | presenting “Mothers knowledge about improving children’s immunity and the preferred resources to gather health information” | held by Health Polytechnic Bandung, 2021

published 27/07/2022

Amal Widaad Binti Mohaimin



Master of Epidemiology, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia (2016)

Bachelor of Applied Science (Midwifery Educator), Health Polytechnic Surakarta, Indonesia (2012)

Diploma in Midwifery, School of Health Sciences (Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan) Muhammadiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan, Indonesia (2009)


Siti Khuzaiyah is a registered midwife from Indonesia. She is working as lecturer for the Midwifery Department of Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan, Indonesia. Her research interest are: midwifery, adolescent care, maternal mental health, child health, and complementary therapy in midwifery. She has developed comprehensive adolescent health service in her community. She is also interested to do collaboration with other researcher around the world. Her profile could be accessed through


Publication TypeYearTitleRolePublisherLink
1Book2015Secret of Teens: Guide Book for Teens

Mengatasi Seksualiats, Pubertas dan Pergaulan

First AuthorAndi Publisher, Jogyakarta
2Article2015Characteristic woman with Flour Albus

(Karakterisktik Wanita dengan Flour Albus)

First AuthorJournal of “Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan”
3Article2017Characteristic Pregnant Woman with Preeclampsia

(Karakteristik Ibu Hamil Preeklampsia)

First AuthorJournal of “Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan”
4Article2017Effectiveness of Hypnosis toward Blood Pressure Change in Pregnant Woman

(Efek Hipnosis Terhadap Perubahan Tekanan Darah Ibu Hamil Preeklampsia)

First AuthorJournal of “Siklus”
5Article2017Increasing Health Reproduction on Adolescent by using Group Approach (POLRES and POSJAS)

Kelompok Remaja Sehat (POLRES) dan POS Remaja Sehat (POSJAS) Nasyiatul Aisyiyah Ranting Kedungpatangewu Kecamatan Kedungwuni Kabupaten Pekalongan

Co-authorProceeding at “Health Seminar” in Muhamamdiyah University of Semarang
6Article2018Evaluation of Recording and Using Mother and Child Health Book by Midwife and Family in Pekalongan RegencyFirst AuthorIndonesian Journal of Nursing Practice
7Article2018Increasing Infant Massage Ability Through Infant Massage Class by CIMI

(Peningkatan Keterampilan Ibu dalam Melakukan Pijat Bayi Melalui Kelas Pijat Bayi oleh Certified Infant Massage Insstructure (CIMI)

First AuthorProceeding “Urecoll 7”
8Article2018Legal Protection of Infants Through Exclusive Breastfeeding in Perspective Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning Health

(Perlindungan Hukum Bayi Melalui Pemberian ASI Eksklusif dalam Perspektif Undang-undang No. 36 Tahun 2009 tentang Kesehatan)

Co-authorJurnal Cendekia Hukum
9Creative work , song2017Song “IKABISMA”First Investigator
10Article2018Characteristic Post-Partum Mother with Food RestrictionCo-authorProceeding
11Article2018Benefits of Spiritual Hypnotherapy on Reducing Anxiety of Midwifery Students in Facing Examination of Midwifery CompetenceFirst AuthorJournal Smart Kebidanan
12Article2019The Effects of Hypnosis Relaxation towards Fetal Heart Rate and Vital Signs among Pregnant Women with PreeclampsiaFirst InvestigatorIndonesian Journal of Nursing Practices
13Article2019The Satisfaction and Motivation of the Adolescent attending in a Comprehensive Teenage Health Services of Nasyiatul Aisyiyah

(Pelayanan Remaja Sehat Milik Nasyiatul Aisyiyah/ PASHMINA)

First InvestigatorKnE Life, Dubai, UAE
14Article2019The Effort of Caring Vaby During Pregnancy and Early Childbirth Among Teenage Mother with Unwanted and Unmarried Pregnancy: A Qualitative StudyFirst AuthorProceeding of elevating quality of early childhood, University of Dr. HAMKA, Jakarta
15Article2019Paket Edukasi Ibu Hamil: Mewujudkan Anak Sehat dan Cerdas Sejak dalam Kandungan dengan Pendekatan Asuhan Kebidanan HolistikFirst AuthorJournal Berdikari UMY
16Article2020Effectiveness of Moringa Oleifera Extract to Increase Breastmilk Production in Postpartum Mother with Food RestrictionCo-authorAtlantis Press
17Article2020Characteristics of Pulmonary Tuberculosis   Patients and Their Houses in Kedungwuni Subdistrict, Pekalongan Regency, IndonesiaCo-authorAtlantis Press
18Article2020Optimalisasi Kesehatan Remaja dengan Posyandu Remaja Milik Nasyiatul Aisyiyah

(Optimizing adolescent health using comprehensive adolescent health service)

Co-authorThe 9th University Research Colloqium (URECOL)
19Book2020Buku Panduan Bagi Orang Tua 'Loving Touch Stimulation' Pada Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah (BBLR)

(A guide book for parent: loving touch stimulation for low birth weight babies)

Co-author & EditorHealth Polytechnic Semarang, ISBN
21Article2020The Model of Developing COVID-19 Educator Volunteers Using Online and Tiered Approach: the Effort of COVID-19 Preventing Based on Community EmpowermentFirst AuthorJournal Abdimas
22Article2020The Correlation between Education Level, Knowledge and Motivation in Volunteer Performance: A Post-Study on Action Research in Developing Educator Volunteers for COVID-19 Based on Community Empowerment Using A Tiered and Online Platform in IndonesiaFirst AuthorBBR Journal
23Article2021Mothers' Knowledge about Improving Children's Immunitry and the Preferred Resources to Gather Health InformationFirst AuthorProceeding
24Article2021Adaptasi Kebiasan Baru Dalam Kebidanan di Era Pandemi Covid-19 Edisi 2AuthorPenerbit Penulis Cerdas Indonesia
25Article2021Gambaran Pengetahuan Tentang Stunting Dan Sikap Ibu Dalam Mencegah StuntingCo-authorProceeding of The URECOL
26Article2021Experience of Motherhood in Adolescent Mothers in Socio-Cultural ReviewFirst  AuthorJournal of Midwifery Science: Basic and Applied Research
27Article2021Mothers' Knowledge and Attitude about Stunting PreventionCo-authorSiklus Midwifery
28Article2021Kelas Pijat Bayi Daring Kepada Orang Tua di Masa Pandemic COVID-19First AuthorJournal LINK
29Article2022A Qualitative Study on Mothers’ Experiences Attending An Online Infant Massage Class: “It is funny! I feel close to my baby!”First AuthorBMC Nursing
30Article2022Progress of Labor Onset with Combination of Pregnancy Massage and AcupressureAuthorIndonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
31Article2022Model Pendampingan Posyandu Remaja PASHMINA (Pelayanan Remaja Sehat Milik Nasyiatul Aisyiyah) oleh Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah/AisyiyahFirst AuthorAksiologiya: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
32Article2022Anxiety of Mothers Who Have Toddlers During the Covid-19 PandemicAuthorProceeding URECOL
33Book2022Buku Ajar Kewirausahaan Bagi Mahasiswa KebidananSingle AuthorInsan Cendekia Mandiri