Promoting Health and Health Profession Through Publication in Brunei Since 2006
Manuscript should be in the following layout:
Title page, Key words, Abstract, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References and Figure, Legends and Tables
Title page
The title page should include the title of manuscript, name of author, name of department(s) and institution(s), and name and full address of the corresponding author along with phone, fax numbers and email address.
The abstract must be clear and informative and should briefly present the content of the paper with special reference to the research design, major findings and conclusions. The abstract should not exceed 300 words.
The introduction must provide the relevant literature of the subject and should clearly describe the aims and the objectives of the proposed research.
Materials and Methods
The materials and methods should describe briefly the procedures used to achieve the results. Methods that have been previously published should be cited and only new procedures should be described in detail.
The results of the submitted manuscript should be written in the past tense and must clearly describe the findings of the author(s).
The discussion should discuss the findings of the authors of the submitted manuscript with relevant previously published articles.
Acknowledge all contributors who do not meet the criteria of authorship of your institution. Research grants awarding bodies and other financial aid should be included in the Acknowledgements.
Figures and Legends
Figures and legends should be clear and should adequately describe the figures. Each figure's resolution should be of at least 300dpi. The originality of the figures is the sole responsibility of the author(s).
Each table should be cited in the text. Data given in tables should not in general be duplicated in the text or figures. Tables should be submitted in a separate page within the Microsoft Word manuscript.
Our referencing system is based on the 'Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals' (the 'Vancouver' style), with some minor modifications.
JeaWhan Lee, Dong Youp Han, and Hee Jong Jeong. Bladder Pain Syndrome Treated with Triple Therapy with Gabapentin, Amitriptyline, and a Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug. Int Neurourol J. 2010; 14(4): 256-60.
Arora M, Shrihari JS, Reddy KS. Mental health and substance abuse. In: Gupta P, Ghai OP, editors. Textbook of preventive and social medicine. 2nd ed. New Dehli (India): CBS Publishers, 2007: 645-72.
World Health Organization.Immunisation, surveillance and monitoring: poliomyelitis (last update December 2010). Available from http://www.who.int/immunization_monitoring/diseases/poliomyelitis/en/index.html (Accessed 11 October 2011).