Institute of Health Sciences offers 5 undergraduate programmes to prospective students.
published 03/01/2017
last updated 15/10/2024
The BHSc Medicine programme is a fully-integrated course covering modules in Health Sciences, Our Community, Patient Care and Personal & Professional Development. The first phase of the programme consists of 3 years at UBD after which successful students are transferred to one of the partner medical schools. Students must obtain a minimum of 320 A-level points for 3 A-level passes in biology, chemistry, mathematics or physics OR an internationally recognised degree of first class honours only from an accredited university in a relevant discipline OR an IB minimum score of 34 points.
Dentists are professionals trained for diagnosing and treating diseases occurring in the oral cavity. A dentist has the opportunity to strengthen confidence, improve overall health, and even save lives of patients. Life threatening diseases like cancer can show symptoms first in the oral cavity and dentists are often the first to detect cancer symptoms. BHSc Dentistry programme at IHS is based on sound knowledge of related biological sciences modules, innovatively designed with various forms of learning activities to prepare students to develop professionalism and a high degree of technical skills.
BHSc Medicine at IHS is a 3 + 3 programme in partnership with our partner medical schools (including University College Cork, University of Dundee, University of Glasgow, National University of Ireland Galway, University of New South Wales, University of Southampton [link here], and Trinity College Dublin).
BHSc Dentistry at IHS is also a 3 + 3 programme in partnership with partner dental schools (including University of Dundee, University of Glasgow, and Newcastle University).
Note that admission depends on BOTH successful completion of UBD BHSc programme and meeting entry requirements of partner schools.
Biomedical Science
The BHSc Biomedical Science programme encompasses a wide range of subjects underpinning the scientific investigation of human health and diseases. This degree is designed to provide students with essential knowledge in the understanding of the biology of disease, as well as the role of the medical laboratory in the diagnosis and monitoring of disease states. In the programme, students will assimilate knowledge from pure biological sciences to develop an understanding of specialised biomedical disciplines that are of use to healthcare.
Pharmacy is the design, evaluation, production, use and counselling of medicine. Pharmacist plays a vital role in healthcare system with a wide range of patient care from dispensing medications to monitoring health to optimisation of medication therapies. The BHSc Pharmacy programme at IHS is developed to provide students with analytical and clinical skills required for the pharmacists, whose career prospects include, but are not limited to, being a clinical pharmacist, community pharmacists, academic pharmacist and industrial pharmacist.
Nursing & Midwifery
A nurse is a person who has completed the nursing education programme that is authorized by the appropriate regulatory body to practice nursing in the country. Nursing practice includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and care of physically ill people of all ages in all healthcare and other community settings. In addition to preparing students for engaging nursing practice, the programme in Nursing at IHS prepares students to carry out healthcare teaching, participate fully as a healthcare team member, and be involved in research.
A midwife is a person who has successfully completed the midwifery education programme that is recognised in the country where the programme is located, and that is also aligned to the framework set by the International Convention of Midwives (ICM) Global Standards for Midwifery Education. The programme in Midwifery at IHS offers students the opportunity to acquire the core essential competencies for high-quality, culturally-sensitive midwifery practice which will prepare students to work in partnership with women during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period.