By: BruDirect
On: 24 August 2019
The Pengiran Anak Puteri Rashidah Sa'adatul Bolkiah Institute of Health Sciences, Universiti Brunei Darussalam is hosting the 8th ASEAN Medical Deans Summit, AMDS. The two-day summit will be held until the 24th of this month.
It was officiated by Professor Doctor Mohd Ayub Sadiq @ Lin Naing, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Innovation and Enterprise at UBD. The AMDS summit is an annual event where the medical Deans and Rectors of ASEAN medical schools and institutes gather every year and meet to collaborate in medical programmes and share experience in medical education in both undergraduate and post graduate stages.
46 delegates including Deans, Rectors and senior academics as well as medical educators from 15 ASEAN Medical Schools are attending this year's summit. Among the topics discussed during the summit are accreditation of postgraduate medical training programmes, promoting research culture among medical schools, international collaboration, mental health among medical students, and student exchange among ASEAN medical schools. Apart from that, 32 students from 15 ASEAN Medical Schools participating in the 4th ASEAN Students Collaborative Project will present various topics on their projects.