Three postgraduate students (Fakhriedzwan Fitri Haji Idris, Nurul Adhwa Hj Abd Rahman, Hajah Nurul Mahfuzah Haji Hassan) from PAPRSB Institute of Health Sciences, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, participated as poster presenters in the 14th Annual Scientific Meeting (INFECTION 2017), which was organized by the Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases (CEID), Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), from 20 September to 21 September 2017.
They participated in the Postgraduate Student Exchange Session, which was joined by other students from Mahidol University (Thailand), University of Macau (Macau), CUHK (Hong Kong), National Taiwan University (Taiwan) and Guangdong Pharmaceutical University (China).
The annual scientific meeting serves as a scientific platform to discuss and evaluate effective clinical and public health measures for the prevention and control of emerging infectious diseases. Renowned speakers from Australia, Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong were present to address emerging infections, vector-borne infections, sexually acquired infections and infections in the healthcare settings.

From left to right: IHS Biomedical Sciences postgraduate researchers, Hajah Nurul Mahfuzah Haji Hassan (MHSc), Fakhriedzwan Fitri Haji Idris (PhD) and Nurul Adhwa Haji Abd Rahman (PhD) at INFECTION 2017
At the end of the session, Fakhriedzwan Fitri Haji Idris was presented as the winner for the best poster presentation of the Postgraduate Student Exchange Session. His poster presentation was about the roles of mannose- and N-acetyl glycosamine-rich glycans in the infection of brain endothelial cells by dengue viruses.
Post Contributor: Nurul Adhwa Haji Abd Rahman