19th-20th September 2022
Invited speakers from all 3 universities will present in the symposiums that will cover the sub-themes: (1) medical education post-COVID-19, (2) COVID-19 research, (3) public health, and (4) COVID-19 diagnostics and management. These themes are relevant and exciting, and will provide an excellent base where discussions and collaborations for research can be made upon. There will also be one session for invited students to present their research or community projects.
For free registration at the 12th Malaysia-Indonesia-Brunei Medical Sciences Virtual Conference 2022, please click the link [here].
The webinars are open to all for registration only, and the conference registration is free. Participants will receive an e-certificate after attending the 2 days of the conference.
All times are published in GMT +8:00.
Secretariat of 12th MIB
Medical Sciences
Virtual Conference 2022
Please feel welcome to provide feedback for this event using this link: https://bit.ly/MIBMSCFeedback. Thank you.
Programme Book
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