Dr. Sujitha Elavally previously investigated the effect of home-based biofeedback assisted breathing relaxation on the blood pressure levels among patients with hypertension, and she shared her methodology and research experience in PAPRSB IHS CPD Seminar Series on Wednesday, 22 February 2017.
In the investigation, Dr Sujitha used a pretest-posttest design and the population studied had consisted of a group of outpatients with uncomplicated hypertension being randomly assigned to study and control groups at a South Indian hospital. Daily home practice of abdominal breathing assisted relaxation facilitated by galvanic skin responses (GSR) biofeedback was taught to the outpatients. The effects on blood pressure and galvanic skin response were measured at the end of the first, second and third month of intervention.
During the seminar, Dr Sujitha shared the results of the study and the lessons she learned from investigating large population sizes on the design and set-up of home-based intervention to reduce blood pressure among hypertensive patients.
About Dr Sujitha Elavally
Dr. Sujitha Elavally has completed her doctorate in nursing from Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, India. Dr Sujitha worked as a lecturer since 2007 at Sri Ramachandra University, India. Prior, she has worked clinically at emergency and cardiac critical care settings for several years. She has also received a two year FAIMER fellowship award from the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research, Philadelphia, USA. Currently Sujitha is pursuing her Post-Doctoral Fellowship under Professor Munikumar Ramasamy Venkatasalu, PAPRSB Institute of Health Sciences, Universiti Brunei Darussalam funded by Sigma Theta Tau International, USA and International Network of Doctoral Education in Nursing (INDEN). Her postdoctoral research work includes dementia carers project and ‘Developing ASEAN model of Doctoral Education’.
About PAPRSB IHS CPD Seminar Series
PAPRSB IHS CPD Seminar Series is an opportunity platform for IHS staff and students to present their research findings, faculty activities and sharing sessions to fellow UBD colleagues and students. The series takes place on most Wednesday afternoons. Seminars are advertised via UBD’s University Liaison Office. For an opportunity to present as part of staff or student professional activity, please get in touch with IHS CPD Coordinator (meiann.lim@ubd.edu.bn).