The PACES Local Examination Coordinating Committee with Royal Colleges UK Examiners.
PAPRSB Institute of Health Sciences, Universiti Brunei Darussalam recently organised the 7th diet of the Membership of the Royal College of Practitioners (UK) Part 2 Clinical Examinations in collaboration with Ministry of Health from 22nd to 24th May 2017. These clinical examinations, called the Practical Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills (PACES) Examination consist of five clinical assessment stations where a selection of core clinical skills are tested by pairs of examiners using an objective marking system. The internationally accredited exams are designed to test the clinical knowledge and skills of doctors aiming to enter higher specialist training in the field of internal medicine. The clinical examination sets rigorous standards to ensure that doctors are competent across a range of skills and ready to provide a high standard of care to patients.
The examiners from the UK from the Royal College of Physicians London, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Glasgow and the Royal College of Edinburgh – Dr Tanzeem Raza, Dr Mahir Hamad, Dr Jonathan Myers, Dr Andrew Gallagher and Dr Dipankar Bhattacharjee – arrived in Brunei a day earlier and the Chair Examiner, Dr Tanzeem Raza, delivered a briefing for all local examiners, from the Ministry of Health Brunei.
39 candidates from Malaysia, Sudan, Syria and Egypt, sat for the clinical exam in this diet. Candidates who take the MRCGP(UK) Exam two or more years after qualifying as a doctor and those who pass will become Members of the Royal College of Physicians and can continue training to become a consultant.

The Royal College examiners applauded the excellent teamwork skills exhibited between the doctors of the Ministry of Health, led by Dr Hj Syafiq bin Abdullah, and Institute of Health Sciences, led by Deeni Rudita Idris and Fazean Irdayati Idris, to ensure the smooth running of the examinations. The Chair Examiner was equally impressed with the set-up of the OSCE Clinical Skills Lab of the Institute, which features purpose-built examination “stations” representing clinics and consultation rooms, and commended that the lay-out was also very suitable for the rotation of candidates (pictured here).

MRCP (UK) develops and delivers membership and specialty examinations for practicing medical physicians that are recognised around the world as quality benchmarks of medical knowledge and clinical skills, and PAPRSB Institute of Health Sciences is proud to be the host since 2013, and the exams have run successfully twice a year since then.
The next diet will be held on 4, 5 and 6 December 2017.