IHS with the visitors from AIPKIND
15 delegates from “Asosiasi Institusi Pendidikan Kebidanan Indonesia” (AIPKIND) (English: Association of Indonesian Midwifery Education) visited PAPRSB Institute of Health Sciences on the 11th April 2017 as part of their benchmark study visit to Brunei from 9th to 12th April 2017.
The objectives of the visit were:
- To build cooperation in education, research and public services
- To establish networking between UBD and several universities in Indonesia
- To discuss potential sandwich programmes in master and doctorate degrees
- To form cooperation in handling international seminar
- To discuss support in strengthening midwifery bachelor degree programme
The delegates were briefed on the programmes offered at PAPRSB Institute of Health Sciences as well as given a tour to the faculty’s Simulation Centre (SimCentre) facility.
Post Submission Credits: Cikgu Armah Tengah